Originally Posted by Grizzly
Oh, FFS's here we go again. rolleyes

If the nibs on the reproduction tires thread wasn't bad enough, we have another member that can't use a dremel tool on 0.0001 cent hardward store washer.

Well, let 'er rip: photos, shipping costs, and how much these magic beans cost?

I'm selling factory correct tire air for tires, deposit required for the container (1 per tire). Deposit is $500 and the air is $250 each.

In case you were lost, this was posted in the "moparts restoration & A-12 forum". If you don't like to read these types of discussions, I'd suggest visiting other forums instead. Unlike you,some of us are interested in this and don't need to be told by you why it isn't important.

addict:to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively ....hmmmm