Originally Posted by n20mstr

Im not sure most of you realize what im trying to do...
My car runs on a 275 radial and has been inconsistent lately, spins more than it goes down. It leaves great, uses the front travel, wheels in the air...then spins
What im trying to do is map out my AS per hole in my ladder bars so im not just guessing.
Im currently at 122% and one hole up gives 147%, one more up gives 165%
Drag radials like to get hit hard, and you need a shock to keep it hit. I sent my shocks back to Santhuff to get revalved on the compression side

First I have no experience with drag radials. But as several have mentioned instant center of a ladder bar or a fourlink is just one part of the picture. A couple years ago I installed a new converter, and it lost 60 foot, my light got terrible, but it picked up MPH, got to be a good converter right? Wore out the fourlink holes trying to find a better sweet spot than I had. Moral of the story, a different converter fixed it. This spring I put a fresh engine in the car, lots more power, started spinning the tires, changed the link a little better, but not perfect, went to a softer spring and wow what a difference, it pulled a 1.28 60 foot, average before was 1.35 60 foot. If the instant center is at a reasonable position, look other places, don't waste all your efforts chasing something for no returns. Ask this old man how I know that?