Originally Posted by cudaman1969
How long ago was that, and if you mind me asking, what kind of money where y’all talking?

I looked back in my records and the day that went down in infamy was Jan 31, 2010. That's the day I picked up the block, looked at it and went "What.........?" Along with the damage in the photos, this block had a broken horn on the left rear of the block that had been repaired so badly it didn't contact the bellhousing face. As to price, I never knew the exact price. I had the original block to a Hemi car another individual owned and this block was part of a block swap. This garbage block was acquired by that individual from a third party who misrepresented it. The individual was a stand up guy and the deal eventually went through and the seller of the garbage block got his garbage back. I want to say we were talking in the neighborhood of $3000 for the replacement block at that time but I couldn't find that figure documented anywhere, just going from memory. Also IIRC the seller of that garbage block was in PA at that time. Hope this helps.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".