Originally Posted by Cab_Burge
Originally Posted by DAYCLONA
Nice to finally see this country get back in the "driver's seat" of space exploration...

I disagree, I think our government waste way to much tax payers money on space. If it was up to me I would let private company like Space X develop business opportunities in outer space.
Humans can't live in outer space and prosper or on the Moon or Mars, why are we wasting our resources, exotic metals and fuel and money on doing this? work
I think our country should only spend money in space on national defense up work
John F Kennedy dream has become our American tax payers worst nightmare work twocents

Your just one of those "old farts" smile just for sh1ts and giggles, what if I told you I had a program that for every $1 (one) US dollar you invest, your return would be $14?, I'm sure you'd be pleased with that?...yes?, if so, then that's your return according to the Rand Corporation (those pesky think tank guys that crunch ALL numbers for mankind's knowledge) for every US dollar invested since 1957 in the space program, evidently your not aware of all the medical/communication technology/computer/AI/energy development/ vast new knowledge/etc/etc/etc/etc/etc that the space program has brought to your front door... or are you more at ease with the TRILLIONS we've spent rebuilding sh1tholes over the decades we've spent TRILLIONS on blowing up over the decades with ZERO return on our "investment"?