If they are wearing face shields there's really no reason to change the mask for every patient.

Originally Posted by wingman
Originally Posted by MR_P_BODY

I dont even see why they are testing people for it at this time.. there is no cure yet so why waste your resources

I heard on the radio that a lot of the harder-hit areas are going exactly this way. They are telling people if think you might have it, but you only have mild symptoms (sore throat, low-grade fever, etc) just to stay home and self quarantine as though you have it.

The transmission risk to stand in line and get tested is greater than the benefit of knowing "for sure" that you have it, or whether it is just regular flu or another virus. Either way the treatment is the same. And testing a gazillion people with mild or no symptoms is just overloading the labs for no benefit.

Only if you start having trouble breathing are you to come in.

That's what they've been doing here all along. If you weren't recently back from a country with problems or don't have severe symptoms you weren't tested and they were turning something like 3/4 of the people away. In the meantime they were standing in line almost touching eachother. Then it seems like the people who test negative seem to think that they are immune to it. Pretty simple.. if you've got the symptoms and think you have it self isolate.

When there's no medicine and they say even more people have it with little to no symptoms there's almost no point in testing unless someone is having a severe issue to confirm if it's from that or something else or people high at risk with other medical issues.