Originally Posted by wingman
Originally Posted by MR_P_BODY

I dont even see why they are testing people for it at this time.. there is no cure yet so why waste your resources

I heard on the radio that a lot of the harder-hit areas are going exactly this way. They are telling people if think you might have it, but you only have mild symptoms (sore throat, low-grade fever, etc) just to stay home and self quarantine as though you have it.

The transmission risk to stand in line and get tested is greater than the benefit of knowing "for sure" that you have it, or whether it is just regular flu or another virus. Either way the treatment is the same. And testing a gazillion people with mild or no symptoms is just overloading the labs for no benefit.

Only if you start having trouble breathing are you to come in.

Well you have to look back to the initial outbreak. If people thought they might have it they would go and get tested. The volume soon got out of hand and the benefit of a test was pointless.