Originally Posted by BSB67
Originally Posted by lewtot184
i'm going to take a stab at piston/pin weights. a 2315 will be very close to 1000grms. a stock is around 1000grms. kb162 about 930grms. the last 383 I did had 8:1 cast in it and they were replaced with 2315's. I don't know the weight of those 8:1 pistons. we didn't re-balance, which I would have preferred, but there absolutely was no money so it went together. I was dumbfounded by how smooth the engine ran. actually noticeably smoother than my balanced "properly put together" 440.


The 2315 and the factory pistons were the same within their respective tolerances, probably +/- 10 grams. The 2315 comes with a factory-like pin as well, total right at Lew's 1000 gr.
factory piston is 770grms. .040" 2315 will be close to 790. I wasn't trying to get the OP to spend $400 on new pistons. balancing for the kb162's is cheaper. it's my understanding balancing is not an exact science. I was just trying to layout some differences and how some perceptions fool us. either way it will work.