Originally Posted by srt
Get a live trap and set it near where skunk is getting in. Bait with cat food. When you get the culprit throw an old blanket or other thick fabric item completely over the trap. Put in bed of truck, drive several miles away and release. When home set trap repeatedly to rid any other tenants. block hole with fencepost concrete bag mix.

That's my plan, except I am using cheap packaged honey buns. Apparently (from 2 reliable sources, one of who is an exterminator) skunks love those more than cat food or peanut butter. Haven't tried the moth balls yet.
Trap is out back, and I also set up a game cam watching the opening. Nothing in the trap this morning, and it's going to rain all day so Pepe Le Pew is probably dry and asleep and I don't feel like going out in the rain to get the memory card. But I'll sort him all right.