Opening weekend of dove season my chocolate lab spotted a skunk in the middle of the field just before dawn...very obedient took off like he was shot out of a cannon in spite of my screaming like a banshee at him, he nailed the skunk, rolled it up like a ball, skunk got loose for a split second and sprayed him right in the face. Now he decides to come back to me...stinking...coughing...foaming at the mouth and rolling in the dirt. Well...much as described above I tried everything, skunk off, tomato juice, same remedy as described above...probably washed and/or treated him a dozen times over the following week, eventually the odor became less and less noticeable but in all honesty it was probably 2 or three weeks before it was completely gone...

1968 Plymouth GTX
1974 Dodge P/U Long Bed Stepside 318
2019 Ram 2500 6.4, auto, 4WD