He appears to be in Holt County.

Several options.

Contact the County Prosecutor or Sheriif and see if they will get involved. Sometimes when a badge shows up at your doorstep to “investigate” that can sometimes shake things loose.

Contact your local USPO Postal Insoector and see if he can get involved. If you used the USPS to send anything to him they likely will get involved.

If you used a credit card that involves fraud by wire, contact your local FBI office and see if they will get involved.

And - don’t forget the FTC. Go to their website for more info.

If you get someone to listen to you make sure you mention all the bad news on FB. They can obviously find that info too and that may help convince them this guy needs a visit from authorities.

Last edited by Transman; 01/04/20 05:55 PM.