I really am disturbed about how this whole legalizing pot is working out. so certain states are making it legal but the feds are not, they are just looking the other way. And as said on most jobs if there is an accident, the first step many times is a drug test. And as said many drugs stay in your system for months after use, so we wind up with, the drug is legal to use, but if you use it, you can not hold a job or drive a car, or lots of other things. So we are creating an underclass of people who have no purpose except to use drugs. I really do not want to race against a person who is stoned or drunk. I have been racing since 1974, and I must admit a few drinks AFTER the race is something I look forward to. Sitting around and bragging or bench racing with my buddies while having an adult beverage has always been part of why I go racing. Lot of the guys I know I only see at the track as they live several states away. I think the track should have the right to test anybody that displays questionable behavior at a race, but with the delay in getting the results, it seems that is just a threat to ban someone in the future, after results are received. The best rules are common sense, its hard enough to drive a race car why would anyone try to do it drunk or stoned?