Originally Posted by fourgearsavoy
but I don't condone a mandatory testing of ANYTHING until it becomes a problem to others.
Gus beer

Nor do I approve of most any MANDATORY measures in a free society. But when being drunk at the track does "become" a problem, the results can be really bad.

Most tracks have published rules forbidding drinking or drugs by crew and driver while in competition. Some take them seriously, and some don't pay much attention. It is the track's responsibility to make an effort to keep drivers - and cars as well - from going down the track when they shouldn't be..

Should we do mandatory random substance testing at tracks? No, not any more so than frisking Grannys at the airport. But racers are generally wise to guys drinking and/or smoking dope at the track. They should be the ones insisting that these guys be parked. Tracks should also have "mystery spectators" walk around occasionally looking for any such shenanigans, and the track should enforce the rule. Just tell the guy to put it in the box with the promise that he will be watched and it will be for the rest of the year if he is caught again.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.