Cab, I installed two mega fuses at the plus battery terminal. A 50 amp to protect the alternater charge wire, and a 250 amp from positive to the cable going to the starter and all other circuits. I should have done this year's ago. This protects the two biggest wires in case of an accidental ground and in the case of the main 250 it will kill everything if wired correctly with the charge 50 amp fuse on the cable side of the 250 megafuse. This is a big safety deal for me as both my battery and fuel system are all right up front.
If each step in the wiring is protected with a fuse right at the point it starts from a larger 12plus source, no wire can start a fire due to a short to ground between the fuse and that source.
It never dawned on me that this is how all electrical circuits should be protected. Any circuit STARTS with a fuse so the entire circuit is fully protected. Glad I went to the track on the 6th. I got a good education from another racer that sells race wiring parts.

Last edited by gregsdart; 09/16/19 12:29 PM.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky