I don't trust reman TQs from anywhere except my bench. Have seen too many of them fouled up and no surprise as they're not exactly easy to set up. Ok, was one guy that did them for years and knew his thing but he's pretty much faded. The last few I build for myself were ebay $50 ish basket cases, some parts from my stash and a few bits from quadrajetparts.com Nice thing about that site is ya can buy the 4 parts you need for 1/3 the cost of a generic rebuild kit with a bunch of parts you don't need.

As far as I know, the CFM rating is what they're capable of inhaling and it only comes in to play when your engine is trying to gulp more than what it can suck through the carb. Basic example is that TQs came in 800 (early) and 850 (most) versions and Chrysler used them as OEM on 318s which clearly wouldn't need all that air. The trick, and the cool thing about TQs, is mix and match rods and jets until you get the net fuel rate that works with your engine.