The main issue with using two stage paint is that you paint all of the bolts in the engine compartment as the whole front clip is assembled. If you use base coat clear coat, what usually happens is the paint/clear builds up really thick on all of the fasteners in the engine compartment, and it just doesn't look right at all. If you use single stage, it doesn't look like thick frosting on the bolt heads and sheet metal edges. If you touch any of these bolts, obviously you crack the paint, and this doesn't look right either. I'm not aware of any "normal" factory process that adjusts the sheet metal after the car is painted. I understand that the doors, truck lid, and front clip are all adjusted and painted on the car - so there's no reason to adjust later. I know on E Bodies the rear fascia was installed after the car was painted, but that is the only piece as I understand. Also, look for other sealers on the front fenders or any other sprays anywhere on the car as it's taken apart. This is the best way to know how the car should look on reassembly. Document what you find if the car has never been taken apart as this is by far the best information you can use to put it back together. Best of luck!!!!!!