Originally Posted By Stanton
I have been using straight Argon, but also have a Ar/CO2 mix that I've been using for my Mig. Maybe I'll try using that.

Don't do that !!

To get the ball tip on the tungsten, sharpen the tungsten then hit the power with it over a copper penny. Bring it straight down towards the penny and the tip will ball up. Now you're ready to tig aluminum.

Except that newer, inverter machines tend to like sharpened tungstens. My Lincoln Tig 200, is my first hand example. My Miller Syncrowave 180, transformer liked balled tungsten. Experiment with both, and check the tech tips from the manufacturer. For me, it's always a struggle with seeing. I'm extremely myopic, but can see great up close without glasses to about book holding distance. Cheaters don't work with me. I'm going to get a second prescription for 2 foot myopic glasses. I'm a home hack, so take it with a grain of salt. 😉