Originally Posted By wyrmrider
No way did they get close to anneal temp if the bearings did not spin
you not all the post heat temp processes they go through
are they still round
torque the bolts down a couple of times with the same lube- do they change dimensions?
mag is not going to show you anything
if a little out of round- which happens to even non hated rods after a few runs
cut the caps flat and re hone
do not worry about the dimension a the parting line it can be a little wide
who makes - actually makes- these rods
no colour pics?
I tend to agree with this to a point but since there is no pic's then this is my opinion,, if there is some minor coloring then they may/probably will be ok to re-use after reconditioning, if they are black then pitch them in the nearest scrap hopper and call the supplier of you choosing.

Light travels faster than the speed of sound,,,this is why some people seem bright untill you hear them speak.