The truth of the matter is that I am sort of embarrassed. Due to the fact that I work for a living and have very little extra disposable money flow, I use 440 Source kits. I know I will get all kinds of back lash but it is what I can afford and it allows me to continue to race. I could call them but I am not too sure the rods are even worth any more effort. I take full responsibility for the failure as I was trying something new and am now paying the price for it. I had the rod and main bearings coated with an anti-friction coating. When I assembled the engine the mains were very good on the clearance but the rods were on the tight side. I wanted to assemble the engine and get it in the car so against my better judgement I didn't replace the rod bearings. So I am to fault...

Digger73 (Mike)

I live with fear everyday but, sometimes she lets me race!