I'm building a hot rod 39 Dodge pickup. I'm using the 5.9 Magnum and its auto trans. Its been sitting for a couple of years inside a garage. I've installed it and the motor, have new cooling lines, that are connected to the trans cooler in a new aluminum radiator. Before I started it, I added 2 quarts of ATF 4+ and ran it a short time (vehicle only moves in and out of the garage at this point). When I checked it, I needed to add another quart, which I did.

When 1st started, it seems to work OK, but after shifting it forward and reverse a few times, it seems to be slipping before engaging in drive. Reverse works OK.

When I added the last quart, the fluid looked normal. I checked this morning, thinking maybe it still wasn't full, and now the fluid is a foamy white/very light pink. I am assuming there must have been moisture that collected in the trans while it sat, and now that it has run a little, the fluid is picking up the moisture. I do suppose the fluid could jut be that low yet, hence what looks like foam, but the color really bothers me. The vehicle has only moved under its own power maybe 200 yards total, 3 or 4 times of idle down the driveway, turn it around, and idle it back up the driveway. Its still under construction and is a few weeks (at least) away from a road cruise.

Most importantly, If I drop the pan and change the fluid and filter, then add fresh fluid, do you think the trans will be OK, or should I do something additional to clean it up? Gene