Originally Posted By theraif
read on another site it seems every thing but drag racing is a go for 2018

Not sure many here would care if they shut down the motocross or drifting track. Just sayin.

In any event, was just thinking about this a little more. Most of the drag strips we all know and love were built WAY back when, like late '50s-'60s. At that point, they were generally put in a spot that was undeveloped, like Old Bridge Twp. The sport was still growing and people in this country loved cars.

Decades go by, land becomes more scarce and the areas around the track start getting developed. These places that were once out in the middle of nowhere now have people building homes and such nearby. Stupid of them? Maybe but whether by choice or not that's what happened. They can coexist with a track for a while but at some point the need for more development trumps the idea of guys running loud cars down a track. This puts pressure on the track owner or whoever owns the land to sell it. Same thing with farms etc.

You see it everywhere, it's not just drag strips being swallowed up. My wife is from Western Pa, we go out there a few times a year to visit. Over the last few years, the development has gotten out of control. There are mega malls and McMansion developments EVERYWHERE. All these places used to be open farm land. The farmer dies, the land is sold for big money and developers swoop in. There's no open space left anywhere in this country, just false luxury and chain restaurants. Sprawl is the enemy here. And developers. Can't blame people for wanting to make a few bucks.

People seem to hate cars now too which doesn't help.

'71 Duster
'72 Challenger
'17 Ram 1500