Lets shut down all the airports in the country because people live near them or in the direct flight path of landing/takeoffs LOL.

Detroit now without a city drag strip for some time has hosted some really amazingly successful annual drag events at city airport and Roadkill Woodward.
An hour or so out of the city limits sits Milan drag way in the farm lands.

By way of outlaws, it shows that door car grudge racing is large in revenue and attendance.

Here in New York city, we stand to get hit the hardest being that we have nothing shorter than 3 hours away. lebby is above sea level and far North. Atco is at sea level far down South.

Floyd Bennet field is at sea level and close to the sea itself. go SEA it for yourselves and write a letter or two to your city council people. I know I will.

I stopped going to E-town a while back because of some issues that fell on plugged ears, but I feel for the loyal ones that kept their lights on, including the Christmas trees.

Last edited by fullmetaljacket; 01/17/18 05:52 PM.