Originally Posted By SCATPACK 1
Originally Posted By Spaceman Spiff
Originally Posted By sgcuda
Do you foresee any problems with the slightly longer, taller runners on the rear cylinders like that? What's the deal with the center ridge in the floor of the intake port in the cylinder head?

i think that ridge is for pushrod tube clearance. Pushrods go through the intake on FE engines.

That intake in the picture is NOT a tunnel wedge. My buddy has a set of those and the ports are as big as baseballs with a tube right thru the middle of them on the intake side. The heads are also very large with no tube restrictions. He said they do not really run that well because of the airflow restrictions from the big pushrod tubes.
This is still a very nice looking set up.

The intake we're using is a tunnel wedge. The intake you are talking about is a tunnel port.