Originally Posted By AndyF
The interesting thing about FE engines is that there are a ton of different intake manifolds available. And the FE intake is super complex compared to the Mopar big block which makes it weird.

Basically the aftermarket has decided to tool up a bunch of really complex low volume intakes for the FE engine while they refuse to build simple intakes for the BB Mopar. Guess they just love the FE for some reason.........

We're using a tunnel wedge intake which is kind of a cool intake but there is nothing like that available for a BB Mopar engine. The tunnel wedge will be topped off with dual throttle bodies from FAST. The ignition is also from FAST and will all be controlled by the EFI system.

Tunnel port intake

tunnel port intake w tube thru port.jpgtunnel port intake w tube bottom view.jpg

Old Geezer Racing