Originally Posted By EV2Bird
Thats a cranky old rich guy comment, heck im amazed you can stand to live in the state of GA with that outlook.

Im not overly hyped about it either, but the overwhelming proof is one has been failing for a long time and one has been on the upswing for even longer.

Street racing has never been on the decline.

Originally Posted By dthemi
I'd rather watch one PS car run than a hundred SO cars run. The new tattoo, trash talking, vape piping,drag scene looks like the trailer park to me.

The entire collective knowledge of SO couldn't qualify a PS car if you gave them one that could.

What has always been the high water mark for drag racing tech is now off the radar,in favor of cartoon character antics.

Probably right about the old cranky part lol.

I can tell ya something else that's on the decline,,, Intelligence...

Prostock isn't popular because it's not understood, or appreciated by the "lets see a crash" enthusiasts. Any drag racer should be awe struck by the slowest one in the field.

How about driving one? How many racers are running low 6's in a 2300 pound car with almost zero downforce, that you only have one hand to steer, while the other is jamming gears? Not to mention the absolute precision timing of shifting required.

I get the fact that the class has gotten so tough, and expensive, only a few can compete. Like it or not, it's the absolute top of the crop.