Silly me. All these years I believed the explanation given by the announcers that the burnout was a critical procedure calculated to bring the tires, clutch, and engine all to the correct temp by the time the cars are ready to go. I never once concidered that it's true purpose was to entertain the 4 year olds and the adults that act like 4 year olds. When will they bring back BIG WHEEL races between rounds? Oh, I know. How about if the loosing car in prostock gets run over by a monster truck. Yea, i'd pay extra to see that.

Maybe the winner in each pro class should turn around, drive back to the 330 and do Nascar style donuts.

Last edited by GomangoCuda; 08/31/17 01:15 PM.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.