a book i would highly recommend you peruse before starting your adventure is "how to chop tops" by [the late] tex smith. this was published in 1990, and i don't have any idea if you can find a copy [besides the one i have], but it describes how to do many types of chops on many types of cars, including ones in the 60's. also, there is one chapter on cutting glass, which also explains the "sinking" of the front and rear glass i was talking about. it also has chapters on proper proportioning,measuring, garnish moldings, and a chapter on chopping a 60 dodge that may be of interest to you. also, a couple of guys you may want to contact before you start are : gene winfield, and brent wandervort [of fatman fabrications]. both of these guys have tons of experience chopping tops of all variations, and are easy to talk to. i went to a seminar at an NSRA event many years ago, sponsored by winfield, and it was VERY informative.