So with the say early 60 era unibody's, anybody have experience chopping a roof? Is it a task feasible for the DIYI body novice that has welding skills? Seems to me biggest hurdle is the glass solution. Seems a lot of chopping started in old hot rods with flat glass cars, but all the multi curved window stuff seem to be tougher hurdle. Are the A pillars always tilted back further? Seems if one does not, and rear roof is also not tilted the roof skin needs to be split and a filler added to make for the wider span. Tilting the pillars makes the glass solution a lot tougher vs say just cutting it back. Is typical laminated front windshield glass "cuttable"? Or is lexan Margard in the picture?

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.