Originally Posted By prochargedmopar
Stealth head porting results from flow tech today.

Uhhhh... whomever owns that flow bench needs to get a set of PTS calibration plates (http://www.flowbenchtech.com/orificeplates.html) and/or some stiffer springs to keep the valves at the specified height when flowing heads. Those low-lift #s are in the Twilight Zone.

I know flow bench #s can't be compared DIRECTLY, but when they're using a common calibration standard you can expect they're going to be REASONABLY close.

Larry Smith's posted #s:

.100" - 120
.200" - 177
.300" - 239

MCH's CNC Stealth program advertised #:

.100" - 75.0
.200" - 156.7
.300" - 219.8

The high-lift #s might be perfectly comparable. However, when I see that the low-lift #s are so far off from "normal", I feel the need say something 'cuz it brings the credibility of the whole flow test into question.

Don't shoot the messenger! It is what it is...