Part of the problem with people on the starting line at this track is lack of seating. They are constantly adding bleachers, but still don't have near enough. The bleachers on both sides will be packed and people 4 and 5 deep on the fence. You simply can't guys with the right arm bands will mosey toward the starting line to try and see. It's never THAT many people, but a starting line is a small space, so a few looks like a lot. RvW is when the problem is, because every car and every pair could be something exciting, so everyone in the lanes moves forward. They added some smaller VIP bleachers last year on either side of track and that really helped for fall race and security was much tighter, as far as being in that area. They really need a large "racers and crew only" grandstand that can be accessed from the lanes. This would help immensely. The spring race is the first BIG race of the year and it will be packed again, as racers shoot for THIS race to be ready and spectators do the same.

Some talk about having to park a long way off and walk........this isn't the Saturday night heads up race at your local track. This is like a national event at an NHRA track. When was the last time you got to park close at one of those? There are SO many race cars here, that normal spectator lots are full of race cars. Sure can't park THEM down the road