Well after a few months of house renos, I started putting away tools, which lead to opening up the garage, which lead to pushing my Coupe out which in turn required the Jensen being moved....
I just HAD to start working on the Jensen a wee bit... LOL
Got my front end nicely settled at ride height, so I have tightened up all my suspension and threw in some cotter pins. I noticed my toe-in was out by quite a bit, so I did an eyeball alignment which I hope is good enough to get me to the alignment shop.
Made pieces to fasten both the chokes open and installed them... and I changed my turn signal stalk to a proper Interceptor turn signal stalk. I have to get the wiring ends on but I tested it and it indeed works like I should!
I have to get my windows working (I removed my AC and will retrofit later) and then I think I am on the road!!!!!!
I have two new K&D switches, and access to quite a few window motors.... so I just have a bit of work to do on the windows, finish my stereo install, and then I am on the road for the summer!
I'll post pics of my breakdowns, videos of me pushing the car home, and the amount of tears I shed in future posts....