Originally Posted By Bigcube
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
You guys can argue the merits of moly vs mild steel and road racing does this, NASCAR does this, whatever. But none of that matters. NHRA follows the SFI guidelines and they are what they are, whether you like them or not. Two things...........with moly, your car will both be lighter and worth more in resale. Other than that, do as you like

Normally I agree with everything you say except resale. I'm not sure how people ever sell a quality built car. While I would never bother with mild steel in anything that was built to be fast, doesn't seem to be true in resale value. Mopar people want cheap, junk purple cam, iron head, SS leaf cars and won't even consider quality built stuff. Not intending to offend anyone but that is how I see it.
I get calls nearly on a weekly basis from guys looking for NICE Mopars, both small and big tire. Their complaint is that everything out there is junk or mild steel. So guys ARE looking for nice cars, just not many to choose from. Last year, I bet I could have sold 10 nice, moly caged, small tire Mopars if I had them. Several old KOS cars for sale, but most are mild steel and the fact that it had KOS on the window at some time or another, seems to make some think they are worth a mint. So they continue to sit rotting away in garages