I have been driving for almost 40 years and during that time I have accumulated over 1 million miles of driving. Almost all of my cars have accumulated well over 200,000 miles before I have retired them and not one of them had an internal engine failure or was the engine the reason for the car being retired.

I change the oil and filter at 5k miles or 7.5k miles if it has synthetic in it. I have never filled or tried to fill a filter. Never even heard of it being done until I started following forums like this one about 10 years or so ago.

In theory its a good idea in practice it doesn't make a bit of difference in the life of the engine.

Dave Clement Pembroke, MA 03 PT Cruiser GT Turbo 99 Dakota SLT+ CC 4x4 68 Barracuda sport coupe http://home.comcast.net/~dgc333/