I've plotted my Challenger out in its current configuration and played around with varying size control arms, spindles, and other attachments to see the changes. I've got all the roll center static and dynamic points along with camber, caster, and toe curves. Somewhere I still have all the older ones I did when I was running brand C and F cars as well.

I've never bothered to do anything with aftermarket set ups because I've not considered buying them and am not concerned with how they compare. Not only that, but I'd suspect they won't readily share this info with most of us, even if asked. I'd certainly suspect they all have it since they need these data points to formulate their set ups.

While I'm sure there are a small % of drivers who want some very detailed specs of their systems and will seek to further improve them beyond what they received, I believe the vast majority only care that they have something "modern" and "better" because they don't believe that something 40 years old is superior to something made in the last decade.Currently, there are only 4 ways to suspend a car, coil, leaf, torsion, and air, and all we can do is modify the geometry imparted on those four methods.