Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By clonestocker
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith

Most starting problems are the result of poor wiring and over 50% of cars are poorly wired. That big 00 starter cable does you ZERO good, if your ground cable is a 4 gauge cable, with a bolt run through an eyelet somewhere in the trunk. The cable is too small, the starter is NOT in the trunk and your chassis is one of the WORST conductors there is. The most bad azz starter in the world and a diesel truck battery won't fix that. The ground side MUST be as good as the hot side........few are


Based on your quote above how would your wire your start circuit? Cable/wire size etc. matt
I like quality 00 cables, with GOOD ends on them. Although I hate it, many insist on grounding the battery to the frame. If you choose to do that, you also need to run a 00 ground cable TO the starter, or at least the engine block, directly from the battery. On the HOT side, I also run 00 cable to a quality starter solenoid, such as a constant duty liftgate solenoid and then 00 from that to starter motor. People need to remember that factory starter solenoids are not rated for constant duty and are also not rated to crank your high compression motor. Do you need a constant duty........NO, but they are better quality and rated for more amp draw.......Another place where big cables, do no good if the solenoid won't pass the juice. The entire starter system needs plenty of flow from hot to ground, with no restrictions or loss of amperage...........It's NOT about voltage. A 00 cable and a speaker wire both carry 12 volts, only one of those will crank your car though

This how mine is wired. A faulty on/off switch will screw the whole thing up as I experienced last year, but there are less places to look when wired this way. On the Racepac, my voltage and amperage never fluctuates unless something rattles loose, or something breaks like the On/Off switch.