Screamin, Cass has been talking to Eaton on this, he has multiple video's showing the side movement and agree's there is a problem, he spoke to them at SEMA and all they are saying is, its in spec, regarding the side gear movement, Cass is still arguing this with Eaton, when I first raised it with Cass, about 12-18 months after I purchased it, and about 2000Miles on it, I had been chasing the rattle from new, thinking it was exhaust, tailshaft, on and on you name it, then one day I just grabbed the wheel and wobbled it to find out it was as indicated, I knew the axle spine fitted well, figured I best just pull the third member for now and woek on the noise, now, at that point I reached out to Cass, I didnt buy it directly from him, a mate did, anyway Cass is an awesome guy as well all know, Eaton sent out a new replacement at no charge, again I praise them for this service as technically it was out of warranty, both Cass and Eaton went above and beyond, something rare in my country. Yes I can poke an axle into the bare Trutrac center and it will move side to side,,, lots. When compared to mopar single spinners or cone/clutch, their side gears have no movement. Im at a lose for now, I will pull one of them apart to see if there is a reason why they are like that, maybe they need to be that loose for whatever reason, the other thing is I have a 0 offset on my wheels maybe if I had more wheel out (less backspace) thus loading the axle more it would make no noise, who knows,