Originally Posted By SpareParts
Monte your gtx had a system you built right? How much travel did you have? I'm guessing you didn't need much. My problem(part of it) is on a 26" radial I need front end travel, also I am admittedly kinda cheap so I am trying to build my own.

Just can't understand some of the prices asked for these golden front ends
I built my own, well before there were any aftermarket ones. Build a few and you will see why they are not cheap.

My GTX had very little travel, but that was because I had it tied down and didn't need it, but could have had a LOT.

I used stock upper control arms and built my own lowers and frame brackets. Since I had Wilwood brakes already, I modified a factory spindle to accept a lower balljoint just like the top and built my own steering arms.

For info, most guys don't actually need NEAR as much front travel as they THINK they do