Originally Posted By jbc426
>90% of the black cars I see at car shows and >99% of the black cars I see on the street have poorly executed polishing jobs done on them.

The bottom line is, it doesn't matter how great of a job you put into paint and body work, if you don't know how to polish the finish and then not damage it when cleaning it; it will never look like you can swim in it. Swirls suck!

I consider myself blessed that I encountered a true self taught genius when it comes to polishing and maintaining paint finishes. After intensive training and listening to the lessons he teaches, I am actually able to not mess up his amazing polishing work when cleaning my car on a regular basis.

It is a skill that can be taught, but as he kindly reminds me, you have to be teachable. (Here's a shot of it 18 months after he polished it with no wax on it...)

I go one step farther and say you should not wax black paint, it will discolor over time.

Have a great day

"obsolete is neat"