Originally Posted By j.mcconnell
shouldn't we be asking why you would want a 900hp N/A engine, instead of how much it would cost?

guess $4000 turbo guy has a friend.....

I enjoy N/A combos. Pretty cool seeing what can be squeezed out of any said combo. Brian's engine was impressive. Brett's lil 66 Dart is cool stuff, and their are many more out there.

I guess I took Monte's comment the same as Shiloh's.... cutting out comp and Aussie pro stock.... but prostock truck was ions ago. Stuffs been floating around for years, and the prices on some of the stuff, well.... quite doable. Hope some of the "lurkers" post up what they've done with what parts. Pretty small niche market for sure. I'll just sit on the porch and watch. I have some pretty cool pieces.... just set way milder that what most have done.