Originally Posted By dogdays

So it's different from the typical silicone, which cures at room temperature by grabbing water out of the air.

Every time the topic comes up, there are posts saying it sticks the two parts together better than JB Weld.

I am convinced that more gaskets are installed wrong than right. We always think we know more than the people who design, build and sell the stuff for a living. That's known as hubris, which leads to a fall.

(1) I learned sumpin today (2) he wont be smilin when (if) he has to clean TRS in/around all those studs (3) Hubris, Dog I will look that up. I agree, like the one guys' sig says; "common sense, the least common of all the senses"!

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth