


That is 4th gear that is broke, looks to be a 2.47 close ratio 23 spline, so that is the cluster/input shaft you have to use.

Kinda curious why you mention it's 4th gear that's broke. The trans doesn't even need the cluster gear in it for 4th gear to work.

1st, 2nd, 3rd gears are all screwed, with the input and cluster damage shown, but I don't see why the shift ring shouldn't engage the input for 4th.

Do you have an engine with enough torque ... and enough gear ... to start off in 1:1 ???

And that matters why? I never suggested that he - or I - actually drive the car starting in 4th gear. I simply mentioned that 4th gear - in this case the input shaft face plate and the slide ring - didn't appear damaged. In a true 833 4 speed, the damaged area/gear on the input shaft (in the picture) that drives the cluster has NOTHING to do with 4th gear. The cluster itself has NOTHING to do with 4 gear - doesn't even need to be in the trans for 4th gear to operate -
if for some reason you choose to operate it that way.. Now, if it was an 833OD trans, in this case 3rd gear would be good, and 4th gear would be hurt - along with 1st and 2nd, although at that point most people call that gear OVERDRIVE, not 4th.

Free advice and worth every penny...
Factory trained Slinky rewinder.........