


Not to be a Debbie downer guys BUT say you travel to a race 200 miles away and all the sudden your battery goes kaput, dead in the water. Now you tore out your existing wiring to save a few pounds and mount your very small battery in front. Where the heck are you going to find a replacement in the allotted time to make the next round. This is why I stepped away from 16 volt batteries many many years ago when they were very hard to find. Not so bad now but it sure is nice to be able to grab one out of my truck or motorhome. Think about it and look at the whole picture.

3 years on our pro-lite without a hiccup. I will take my chances and not run a 60lb battery


Apples to oranges again Monte. The team you are on is a heads up type team car with shared monies (and help) to keep it in operation and probably sponsors helping out. I'm talking Joe Blow pay for your ride weekly bracket racers which MOST of the guys on this site are. Even most of our heads-up guys are adding weight so if its in the right spot I'll take an easy to replace battery over a lead weight bar. Sometimes you are out of touch with the average racer Monte. Get that car running so you get a reality check. 39 plus years and never missed a race season yet so I've made a FEW passes too.

No, I am FAR from out of touch, nor do I need a reality check and you know nothing about our team, or how it works. Its a race car, does not matter what type it is. And YOU may feel more comfortable with a "conventional" battery in your car, but myself and others don't. I have killed LOTS of regular batteries in my racing career. Usually one a year and ran two "red top" Optimas for years in my own car. So in a RACE car, these days I prefer a RACE battery. You and others seem to think I suggest stuff because it is cool, expensive or what we use on our heads-up car. I normally suggest stuff that is BETTER, based on experience. Lead acid batteries are OLD technology that hasn't changed much. The new stuff is just better. Now you may have the attitude "if it ain't broke don't fix it"..........and that's fine for you. But my own experience tells me that "regular" batteries die a quick death at the track with a charger on them all the time, as MOST people tend to do. Seems you have had that happen, if you are worried about being able to use the batt from your tow truck. A race battery is MADE for constant charging. So it makes no difference if it is a Pro-Mod or a 12 sec bracket car.........better is better.

Now frankly, I could care less what somebody uses for a battery. If they want a 100lb diesel batt, go for it. But to come and try to sway people from better technology, because of what MIGHT happen......why? Sure your battery MAY die at the track and so might ANY other part on the car, OR the truck, on the way to the track. So do you carry spare EVERYTHING, even for the truck and trailer.

And as I said above..........3 years on our Pro-Lite.......zero issues. NEVER had a conventional battery last that long in a race car
