I am sure that I have forgotten a few things. But since I am the "keyboard cowboy" of the group. I will do my best to maintain this thread, and get everything in order, to present at a mtg TBA. at a later date.

Everyone has great ideas, and opinions so lets keep it clean & fun, as this thread may, & will probably be presented to track owners at some point in time in early 2009.

Fire AWAY Boys.
If you plan on RACING or just ATTENDING PLEASE vote. Spectators fill the stands.

ps..A free T-Shirt & Raffle ticket(hemi) to whomever figures out the CARLAN-SORGE name.

(The name is obviously subject & open to change).

I just thought it was kinda Catchy


Should we have 1 BIG event or more
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 12/26/08 09:17 AM
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Classes / Cars allowed
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 12/26/08 09:17 AM
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Allow Brand X
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 12/26/08 09:17 AM
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single choice
Votes accepted starting: 12/26/08 09:17 AM
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Months best for you
multiple choice
Votes accepted starting: 12/26/08 09:17 AM
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Tree or SEXY Flag girl.
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 12/26/08 09:17 AM
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Last edited by Kev_73_Missile; 12/26/08 07:11 PM.