


422 Motorsports rules are directly from the NMCA. For those not familiar the NMCA is the sanctioning body that basically started Nostalgia Super Stock racing in the late '80s.

There currently are several organizations which write and endorse rules for the class of cars generally known as Nostalgia Super Stock.

Some of them are The Nostalgia Super Stock National Association, National Muscle Car Association, Nostalgia Super Stocks Inc, Texas Outsiders, the East Coast Nostalgia Super Stock Association, 422 Motorsports and so forth.

These groups have a variety of perspectives and purposes and therefore have differences among them.

As best we can research, the oldest of these is a private club named Nostalgia Super Stocks Inc., which can document its official origin to 1989 when it was then named the Midwest Nostalgia Super Stock Association.

Prior to that, there were several individuals in Missouri running NSS-style cars informally, as early as 1985. These racers are the ones who organized the Midwest Nostalgia Super Stock Association.

In the mid 1990’s, several internal disagreements led to a split of the club with one group using the original Midwest Nostalgia Super Stock Association name and the other changing to Nostalgia Super Stocks Inc.

The Midwest group has disbanded, leaving NSS Inc. the survivor.

NSS Inc. is still a private club which primarily does CLOSED events in the Midwest, mostly match-racing and exhibition programs. It also has jurisdiction in the Goodguys series. Accordingly, over the years it has evolved a set of subjective rules for its own purposes.

In contrast, NMCA created a season-long points series based on OPEN competition over a wide geographical area and accordingly has evolved a set of more objective rules for its purposes.

The Texas Outsiders is also a private club but has adopted NMCA rules for its events.

There might be some confusion from the history because from approximately 1989 to 1994, NSS Inc. (then Midwest) did exhibition programs at NMCA events.

Currently, some individual track owners and promoters also run NSS events based on their own subjective interpretations of what NSS racing is and should be.

Knowing the difference between closed exclusive and open inclusive formats is essential to understanding the current state of NSS racing and its rules.

Earlier this year, a committee of individual racers from NSS Inc., The Texas Outsiders and NMCA formed the Nostalgia Super Stock National Association in response to complaints about arbitrary rule-making and the need of the National Hot Rod Association for consistent management of NSS racing at its events.

Because of the nature of open competition at a national level, the NSSNA primarily adopted NMCA rules, with some revisions for clarification and for consistency with current practice in open events. These are the rules which are posted on the Evansville Chrysler and NSS-Monster websites.

As stated in the NSSNA charter, its rules are intended to be the standard for open competition, defined as an event at which anyone can pay an entry fee and become eligible for inspection. The NSSNA currently has jurisdiction at NHRA’s Hot Rod Reunion and the Dave Duell Classic NSS Nationals.

Individual racers and private clubs and others are free to make their own choices and that will always be a fundamental principle. However, the NSSNA believes that consistency in the rules is also a long-term benefit for the sport and encourages all participants to consider this aspect.

The traditional way to manage this difference in formats has been to change equipment and/or to have a vehicle for each format. While this solution requires additional financial and labor costs, perhaps that is still the best method in order to preserve both individual choice and integrity in the sport.

Rule-making is a difficult process that requires a balance between allowing for dynamic changes and also providing a stable format. Therefore, the NSSNA is constantly communicating with participants and reviewing the suitability of the rules consistent with actual and desired practice.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the current situation. We always welcome additional historical information.

Bob Wilkiewicz

Nostalgia Super Stocks Inc.
Nostalgia Super Stock National Association

Sounds like another governmental agency in the making.Ruled and regulated to death by DEP,EPA.OSHA,IMSHAW,NTB,PUC,NTC and IRS.and on and on.Let's just get a group together set some grund rules,see if we can get this thing started nand if it's successful build on it.Why try and pattern it after other closed organizations that may or may not be successful?

I "borrowed" this from the Beaver Springs thread.
I am getting dizzy bouncing back-n-forth on these 2 threads.

Steve mentioned once that he didn't want us to get "ahead" of ourselves, and I agree. We have NOT made definite plans with Beaver Bob, or with any track as of yet.

But I agree 100% with BG. This is a lets have some fun in 2009. Not an event, or series that we need rules to regulate us until the year 2019. We need enough guidelines to present to track owners / promoters.

The simplest plan... is our best friend.