
2009 Season ***NSS & NPS Discussion & POLL***

Posted By: Anonymous

2009 Season ***NSS & NPS Discussion & POLL*** - 12/26/08 02:19 PM

I am sure that I have forgotten a few things. But since I am the "keyboard cowboy" of the group. I will do my best to maintain this thread, and get everything in order, to present at a mtg TBA. at a later date.

Everyone has great ideas, and opinions so lets keep it clean & fun, as this thread may, & will probably be presented to track owners at some point in time in early 2009.

Fire AWAY Boys.
If you plan on RACING or just ATTENDING PLEASE vote. Spectators fill the stands.

ps..A free T-Shirt & Raffle ticket(hemi) to whomever figures out the CARLAN-SORGE name.

(The name is obviously subject & open to change).

I just thought it was kinda Catchy

Posted By: Steve1118

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 02:44 PM

This is a good poll, and will give us an idea.

But, remember, everything must be run through Beaver Bob.....he will want a good gate, and he KNOWS what works and what does not.

Let's all get together in January sometime. I am sure we can work this out and make it happen.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 02:55 PM


But, remember, everything must be run through Beaver Bob.....he will want a good gate, and he KNOWS what works and what does not.

Let's all get together in January sometime. I am sure we can work this out and make it happen.


AGREED. That's why there is no mention of any specific track or locations.

WIDE OPEN for discussion

There is a HUGE Mopar event in Fla on Jan 24th.
Pappas & Stewart are going for sure, or there is the Greensboro N.C Mopar Show on Jan 28-29th.
(Do you see a pattern of warmer climates forming here.)

Couple swap meets in Columbus in Feb. (brrrrr)But I think waitng till Feb. is kinda pushing it.
Posted By: Steve1118

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 03:16 PM

BG and I will set it up with Beaver Bob. We may pick a spot in the middle, meet with him over dinner, and get this hammered out. I'll speak to him next week, find out when he's free, start working on setting up a date.
Posted By: B G Racing

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 03:52 PM


BG and I will set it up with Beaver Bob. We may pick a spot in the middle, meet with him over dinner, and get this hammered out. I'll speak to him next week, find out when he's free, start working on setting up a date.

The committee better get their act together for the meeting.I assume it's going to be Missle Kevin,"The Yankee Fish Peddler",Kevin&Joe Davis,and Steve Reasbeck maybe even BinLaudin
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 04:44 PM



BG and I will set it up

The committee better get their act together for the meeting.I assume it's going to be Missle Kevin,"The Yankee Fish Peddler",Kevin&Joe Davis,and Steve Reasbeck

I think we should make sure Fred is in on it.He is a silly man. But still has an awful lots of good input. Also I will contact Joe Pappas. He would be a GREAT asset to helping form the rules ect.

According to the votes so far,....We are making our own rules.

I personally would have VERY little input. But that being said I will volunteer to be the VP of PROMOTIONS on the committee.

<<<<<----- Phone in one hand, keyboard in the other.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 05:07 PM

This s going to be a great event(s)...I believe a gang of cars will show up..We need to be sure to advertise it well though...poppaj

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Posted By: B G Racing

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 05:31 PM


This s going to be a great event(s)...I believe a gang of cars will show up..We need to be sure to advertise it well though...poppaj [/quote PoppaJ how about you take Osamba Bin Laudins place on the committee?As for Fred,there's no place for the mob in "OUR THING"
Posted By: Steve1118

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 05:45 PM

I spoke to Beaver a short time ago....he is kind of hyped.

He said that anytime in January is good for him....with the exception of the last week (he's going to be out of town). Dinner and a rule "committee" meeting.

So, we ought to figure out where everyone is at....maybe look at a central location?

Let's start thinking about it. Do you guys want me to contact Dink Bishop at 422 and tell him what is going on? So they don't think we just showed up and ganged up on them poor Ford guys?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 06:59 PM


I spoke to Beaver a short time ago....he is kind of hyped.

Let's start thinking about it. Do you guys want me to contact Dink Bishop at 422 and tell him what is going on? So they don't think we just showed up and ganged up on them poor Ford guys?

I think this idea was "born" here on Moparts. The majority of the ideas, & footwork will be done on here as well.

While I agree that I don't want any Brand X people to feel "ganged up on". I personally
think the first mtg should be just MOPARTS members. We can decide from there how to proceed.

I am sure that as long as we stick to a FAIR set of guidelines & rules. I will bet by the time we are done, that the NMCA rules will just be "tweaked" a bit to allow MORE cars, and MORE fun.
Posted By: B G Racing

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 07:09 PM

I spoke to a different Beaver,Fred was the topic of coversation.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 07:12 PM

BG, Would be glad to come over and help...Let me know when and where...Poppaj

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Posted By: B G Racing

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 07:22 PM


BG, Would be glad to come over and help...Let me know when and where...Poppaj

Steve,sign up Poppa J,He looks like he would make a good "Sargent At Arms" for the committee. He can thump the "Yankee Fish Peddler"
Posted By: 440Jim

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll - 12/26/08 08:23 PM


I will bet by the time we are done, that the NMCA rules will just be "tweaked" a bit to allow MORE cars, and MORE fun.

Have one class with the more pure Nostalgia rules (as those racers see fit), and a second class with more open rules, but Nostalgia looking from the stands (year, model, hood scoop, etc). This second class should allow a lot of entries, i.e. car count.

I assume they will be index classes, maybe 0.50 seconds between classes. Run all the same class against each other until pairs are gone (heads up), then mix them on the bracket sportsman 0.500" tree in later rounds. Perhaps pre-announce all indexes mix after 3rd round or something.

Now, where did I put that hemi scoop for my car...
Posted By: Anonymous

Post deleted by Defbob - 12/26/08 08:46 PM

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 08:46 PM



BG, Would be glad to come over and help...Let me know when and where...Poppaj

Steve,sign up Poppa J,He looks like he would make a good "Sargent At Arms" for the committee. He can thump the "Yankee Fish Peddler"

I just spoke with Mr.Joe Pappas.

He is gonna call me back this evening, but said he would be VERY open to the idea, of "sitting in" on or being on our committee. or helping us form the rules to be as 70's like as possible. If not even for the NSS class, I feel his input would be awesome for the NPS class.

Nuthin better than one of the "cheaters" from the 70's .

This is making me wanna go put a dragstrip in the middle of a cornfield

If you build it.....THEY will come
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 08:54 PM


I will do my best to maintain this thread, and get everything in order, to present at a mtg TBA.

Everyone has great ideas, and opinions.

As promised here is the first 8 hr update.

79% want to have some sort of NPS Class

81% want to allow Brand X to join

95% want 2 or more events in 2009

June & August are the most popular months so far.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 09:31 PM


These rules are for an all Mopar event unless discussions from the backers decide otherwise.( other events could include all makes)
70 74 ( 68 darts and Cudas are being strongly considered )
Hemi block 4500's tunnel cast intake prefered for correct look. I realize this means all Hemi cars for the Curt George event but we need to start somewhere
any trans trans brakes permitted
body, hood etc. wheels period correct
no tube chassis small block mini P/S
any motor weight cubic inch
8.50 no breakout ALLOWED

Your talking about the "MATCHRACE" rules.???

The NPS rules are gonna have to be discussed & voted on I would think.

But I agree 100%,.. Hemi Fred should be the master mind behind the matchrace rules.

I can't believe I just used HemiFred & the words "Master Mind" in the same sentence.

Who woulda has happened

Attached picture 4902935-4849304-hell.jpg
Posted By: B G Racing

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 10:31 PM



These rules are for an all Mopar event unless discussions from the backers decide otherwise.( other events could include all makes)
70 74 ( 68 darts and Cudas are being strongly considered )
Hemi block 4500's tunnel cast intake prefered for correct look. I realize this means all Hemi cars for the Curt George event but we need to start somewhere
any trans trans brakes permitted
body, hood etc. wheels period correct
no tube chassis small block mini P/S
any motor weight cubic inch
8.50 no breakout ALLOWED

Your talking about the "MATCHRACE" rules.???

The NPS rules are gonna have to be discussed & voted on I would think.

But I agree 100%,.. Hemi Fred should be the master mind behind the matchrace rules.

I can't believe I just used HemiFred & the words "Master Mind" in the same sentence.

Who woulda has happened

What's wrong with that? I use HemiFred and Masterbate in the same sentence all the time.Well something similar,he plays well with himself.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/26/08 11:08 PM




422 Motorsports rules are directly from the NMCA. For those not familiar the NMCA is the sanctioning body that basically started Nostalgia Super Stock racing in the late '80s.

There currently are several organizations which write and endorse rules for the class of cars generally known as Nostalgia Super Stock.

Some of them are The Nostalgia Super Stock National Association, National Muscle Car Association, Nostalgia Super Stocks Inc, Texas Outsiders, the East Coast Nostalgia Super Stock Association, 422 Motorsports and so forth.

These groups have a variety of perspectives and purposes and therefore have differences among them.

As best we can research, the oldest of these is a private club named Nostalgia Super Stocks Inc., which can document its official origin to 1989 when it was then named the Midwest Nostalgia Super Stock Association.

Prior to that, there were several individuals in Missouri running NSS-style cars informally, as early as 1985. These racers are the ones who organized the Midwest Nostalgia Super Stock Association.

In the mid 1990’s, several internal disagreements led to a split of the club with one group using the original Midwest Nostalgia Super Stock Association name and the other changing to Nostalgia Super Stocks Inc.

The Midwest group has disbanded, leaving NSS Inc. the survivor.

NSS Inc. is still a private club which primarily does CLOSED events in the Midwest, mostly match-racing and exhibition programs. It also has jurisdiction in the Goodguys series. Accordingly, over the years it has evolved a set of subjective rules for its own purposes.

In contrast, NMCA created a season-long points series based on OPEN competition over a wide geographical area and accordingly has evolved a set of more objective rules for its purposes.

The Texas Outsiders is also a private club but has adopted NMCA rules for its events.

There might be some confusion from the history because from approximately 1989 to 1994, NSS Inc. (then Midwest) did exhibition programs at NMCA events.

Currently, some individual track owners and promoters also run NSS events based on their own subjective interpretations of what NSS racing is and should be.

Knowing the difference between closed exclusive and open inclusive formats is essential to understanding the current state of NSS racing and its rules.

Earlier this year, a committee of individual racers from NSS Inc., The Texas Outsiders and NMCA formed the Nostalgia Super Stock National Association in response to complaints about arbitrary rule-making and the need of the National Hot Rod Association for consistent management of NSS racing at its events.

Because of the nature of open competition at a national level, the NSSNA primarily adopted NMCA rules, with some revisions for clarification and for consistency with current practice in open events. These are the rules which are posted on the Evansville Chrysler and NSS-Monster websites.

As stated in the NSSNA charter, its rules are intended to be the standard for open competition, defined as an event at which anyone can pay an entry fee and become eligible for inspection. The NSSNA currently has jurisdiction at NHRA’s Hot Rod Reunion and the Dave Duell Classic NSS Nationals.

Individual racers and private clubs and others are free to make their own choices and that will always be a fundamental principle. However, the NSSNA believes that consistency in the rules is also a long-term benefit for the sport and encourages all participants to consider this aspect.

The traditional way to manage this difference in formats has been to change equipment and/or to have a vehicle for each format. While this solution requires additional financial and labor costs, perhaps that is still the best method in order to preserve both individual choice and integrity in the sport.

Rule-making is a difficult process that requires a balance between allowing for dynamic changes and also providing a stable format. Therefore, the NSSNA is constantly communicating with participants and reviewing the suitability of the rules consistent with actual and desired practice.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the current situation. We always welcome additional historical information.

Bob Wilkiewicz

Nostalgia Super Stocks Inc.
Nostalgia Super Stock National Association

Sounds like another governmental agency in the making.Ruled and regulated to death by DEP,EPA.OSHA,IMSHAW,NTB,PUC,NTC and IRS.and on and on.Let's just get a group together set some grund rules,see if we can get this thing started nand if it's successful build on it.Why try and pattern it after other closed organizations that may or may not be successful?

I "borrowed" this from the Beaver Springs thread.
I am getting dizzy bouncing back-n-forth on these 2 threads.

Steve mentioned once that he didn't want us to get "ahead" of ourselves, and I agree. We have NOT made definite plans with Beaver Bob, or with any track as of yet.

But I agree 100% with BG. This is a lets have some fun in 2009. Not an event, or series that we need rules to regulate us until the year 2019. We need enough guidelines to present to track owners / promoters.

The simplest plan... is our best friend.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 12:42 AM



BG, Would be glad to come over and help...Let me know when and where...Poppaj

Steve,sign up Poppa J,He looks like he would make a good "Sargent At Arms" for the committee. He can thump the "Yankee Fish Peddler"

that ain't happening!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 01:02 AM




BG, Would be glad to come over and help...Let me know when and where...Poppaj

Steve,sign up Poppa J,He looks like he would make a good "Sargent At Arms" for the committee. He can thump the "Yankee Fish Peddler"

that ain't happening!!!!!!!!!

Id like to see that match race happen....

The Yankee Fish Peddler vs. The Wild Wedge

both 588's... 10.5's, footbrake.... heck we can even put Poppa J in there to give ya a chance Chis..

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 01:14 AM





BG, Would be glad to come over and help...Let me know when and where...Poppaj

Steve,sign up Poppa J,He looks like he would make a good "Sargent At Arms" for the committee. He can thump the "Yankee Fish Peddler"

that ain't happening!!!!!!!!!

Id like to see that match race happen....

The Yankee Fish Peddler vs. The Wild Wedge

both 588's... 10.5's, footbrake.... heck we can even put Poppa J in there to give ya a chance Chis..


Casey, sorry, its not a 588 anymore it went to a 604 with B1 heads and still the indy 440-25 crossram and still on a 10.5 tire.

i think it would be awesome also but i can keep mine on the track!!!
just ask BG the porcupine hunter.
he was hanging over the wall watching the fish peddler do his thing!!!

Attached picture 4903367-65dodgeatetown.jpg
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 01:21 AM

Wow, Chris that thing should fly... How much work to put the Indy intake on the B-1's??? poppaj

Attached picture 4903388-coronet007.jpg
Posted By: B G Racing

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 01:30 AM






BG, Would be glad to come over and help...Let me know when and where...Poppaj

Steve,sign up Poppa J,He looks like he would make a good "Sargent At Arms" for the committee. He can thump the "Yankee Fish Peddler"

that ain't happening!!!!!!!!!

Id like to see that match race happen....

The Yankee Fish Peddler vs. The Wild Wedge

both 588's... 10.5's, footbrake.... heck we can even put Poppa J in there to give ya a chance Chis..


Casey, sorry, its not a 588 anymore it went to a 604 with B1 heads and still the indy 440-25 crossram and still on a 10.5 tire.

i think it would be awesome also but i can keep mine on the track!!!
just ask BG the porcupine hunter.
he was hanging over the wall watching the fish peddler do his thing!!!

"The Yankee Fish Peddler"drives with on hand on the wheel,the other on his crotch and balls to the wall,literally.Then there is those of us that can drive a straight line.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 01:31 AM


Wow, Chris that thing should fly... How much work to put the Indy intake on the B-1's??? poppaj

aluminum adapter plates had to be made up. i still like keeping the 2-4bbl look even though everyone thinks im crazy.should be making a tad over 1100hp this number is from almost the same engine combos in the past but this one is the only combo with the indy 440-25 intake and 2-800 edelbrocks.we will soon see.also i went with a aluminum indy block.

Attached picture 4903418-DODGECORONETATCO1.jpg
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 01:45 AM



Wow, Chris that thing should fly... How much work to put the Indy intake on the B-1's??? poppaj

aluminum adapter plates had to be made up. i still like keeping the 2-4bbl look even though everyone thinks im crazy.should be making a tad over 1100hp this number is from almost the same engine combos in the past but this one is the only combo with the indy 440-25 intake and 2-800 edelbrocks.we will soon see.also i went with a aluminum indy block. [/quote)

Sounds great, you will like the Indy block..How about a pic or two of that bad boy...

Attached picture 4903454-coronet007.jpg
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 01:49 AM




Wow, Chris that thing should fly... How much work to put the Indy intake on the B-1's??? poppaj

aluminum adapter plates had to be made up. i still like keeping the 2-4bbl look even though everyone thinks im crazy.should be making a tad over 1100hp this number is from almost the same engine combos in the past but this one is the only combo with the indy 440-25 intake and 2-800 edelbrocks.we will soon see.also i went with a aluminum indy block. [/quote)

Sounds great, you will like the Indy block..How about a pic or two of that bad boy...

its not finished yet.ill get pictures out as soon as its dynoed.
just finishing the 581 hemi, i stepped it up a notch.more cam and stage III porting to get me in the mid nines.10 teens was a drag last year.

Attached picture 4903464-4726287-65hemiBelvederePINKS.jpg
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 01:55 AM

Good, You still have that sweet 65' Plymouth...Carl thought you sold it...
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 02:01 AM


Good, You still have that sweet 65' Plymouth...Carl thought you sold it...

carl from florida?

Attached picture 4903497-4726287-65hemiBelvederePINKS.jpg
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 02:06 AM

Yeah, that's the Carl... He called me Monday we talked for an hour...
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 02:58 AM






BG, Would be glad to come over and help...Let me know when and where...Poppaj

Steve,sign up Poppa J,He looks like he would make a good "Sargent At Arms" for the committee. He can thump the "Yankee Fish Peddler"

that ain't happening!!!!!!!!!

Id like to see that match race happen....

The Yankee Fish Peddler vs. The Wild Wedge

both 588's... 10.5's, footbrake.... heck we can even put Poppa J in there to give ya a chance Chis..


Casey, sorry, its not a 588 anymore it went to a 604 with B1 heads and still the indy 440-25 crossram and still on a 10.5 tire.

i think it would be awesome also but i can keep mine on the track!!!
just ask BG the porcupine hunter.
he was hanging over the wall watching the fish peddler do his thing!!!

id still like to race ya... some of us young kids can still cut a light...

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 Season ***NSS & NPS Discussion & POLL*** - 12/27/08 01:28 PM

The 24 hr update

89%== want 2 or more events

81%== for allowing brand X

81%== 60-74 yrs....2 sets of rules

May-June-Aug are Best

Flag girl is losing. Fred & I will just bring our own

ONLY 32 votes
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 02:02 PM







BG, Would be glad to come over and help...Let me know when and where...Poppaj

Steve,sign up Poppa J,He looks like he would make a good "Sargent At Arms" for the committee. He can thump the "Yankee Fish Peddler"

that ain't happening!!!!!!!!!

Id like to see that match race happen....

The Yankee Fish Peddler vs. The Wild Wedge

both 588's... 10.5's, footbrake.... heck we can even put Poppa J in there to give ya a chance Chis..


Casey, sorry, its not a 588 anymore it went to a 604 with B1 heads and still the indy 440-25 crossram and still on a 10.5 tire.

i think it would be awesome also but i can keep mine on the track!!!
just ask BG the porcupine hunter.
he was hanging over the wall watching the fish peddler do his thing!!!

id still like to race ya... some of us young kids can still cut a light...


casey the 588 is going in my 63 plymouth so if you take your wild wedge ill take my 63 max take the whoopin wedge and ill take my 65 coronet.
either way itll be a fun time.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 02:28 PM

Hey CJ.

I think the best thing about this idea, it that it will be US that makes the rules, & guidelines.

So I hope the 422 motorsports guys understand that this time it is OUR sandbox.

I would hate to see you sit this one out. But on the same hand, I would also hate to see them not attend.

I think your "encounter" with them was unfortunate. (I don't know them, have never even met them) But hopefully we can use your encounter to help build a better set of rules for this event.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 02:35 PM


Hey CJ.

I think the best thing about this idea, it that it will be US that makes the rules, & guidelines.

So I hope the 422 motorsports guys understand that this time it is OUR sandbox.

I would hate to see you sit this one out. But on the same hand, I would also hate to see them not attend.

I think your "encounter" with them was unfortunate. (I don't know them, have never even met them) But hopefully we can use your encounter to help build a better set of rules for this event.

Kev the million dollar word here is ENCOUNTERS not once not twice 3 times.

they cant have any control of the rules.period.
it'll be fun spanking them.
i want HEMITIS there to witness and video the beatings.
then put it up on UTUBE for all their veiwing pleasures.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 02:51 PM


they cant have any control of the rules.period.
it'll be fun spanking them.

As from what I can tell right now. the "committee"
will consist of MOPARTS members only. BG has made a few suggestions, and I have also been in contact with Pappas, and he has 80% agreed to lend us his insight & assistance.(it would appear that some people have JOBS)

It also is looking pretty strongly that the poll reflects that we are gonna be making our OWN rules,/ guidelines.

So I think your pretty well guaranteed that 422 will NOT be involved in the rules set up.
Posted By: hemi-itis

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 10:55 PM



Hey CJ.

I think the best thing about this idea, it that it will be US that makes the rules, & guidelines.

So I hope the 422 motorsports guys understand that this time it is OUR sandbox.

I would hate to see you sit this one out. But on the same hand, I would also hate to see them not attend.

I think your "encounter" with them was unfortunate. (I don't know them, have never even met them) But hopefully we can use your encounter to help build a better set of rules for this event.

Kev the million dollar word here is ENCOUNTERS not once not twice 3 times.

they cant have any control of the rules.period.
it'll be fun spanking them.
i want HEMITIS there to witness and video the beatings.
then put it up on UTUBE for all their veiwing pleasures.

Well,,,,,,since I will be there as an EXHIBITIONIST,I will make the time to have the camcorder in one hand and my camera inda dah utter

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Posted By: B G Racing

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 11:20 PM




Hey CJ.

I think the best thing about this idea, it that it will be US that makes the rules, & guidelines.

So I hope the 422 motorsports guys understand that this time it is OUR sandbox.

I would hate to see you sit this one out. But on the same hand, I would also hate to see them not attend.

I think your "encounter" with them was unfortunate. (I don't know them, have never even met them) But hopefully we can use your encounter to help build a better set of rules for this event.

Kev the million dollar word here is ENCOUNTERS not once not twice 3 times.

they cant have any control of the rules.period.
it'll be fun spanking them.
i want HEMITIS there to witness and video the beatings.
then put it up on UTUBE for all their veiwing pleasures.

Well,,,,,,since I will be there as an EXHIBITIONIST,I will make the time to have the camcorder in one hand and my camera inda dah utter

The "Yankee Fish Peddler" will lie and "The Hemmoridities" will swear to it.They also do their own film editing and can make videos of people and things that really never happened.Those barnyard youtube videos they posted are not of me,honest
Posted By: hemi-itis

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 11:31 PM

Gee,BG,sure looks like you,in your barnyard,in your spongbob pj's,,,,,,,,and your PORCIPINE

Attached picture 4904976-IMG_1104.JPG
Posted By: B G Racing

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 11:40 PM


Gee,BG,sure looks like you,in your barnyard,in your spongbob pj's,,,,,,,,and your PORCIPINE

Wait till you see my "Bob The Builder"PJs I got for Christmas.
Posted By: hemi-itis

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 11:49 PM



Gee,BG,sure looks like you,in your barnyard,in your spongbob pj's,,,,,,,,and your PORCIPINE

Wait till you see my "Bob The Builder"PJs I got for Christmas.

BG,what exactly are dem dos tings in the holsterz??

Attached picture 4905003-IMG_1101.JPG
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/27/08 11:51 PM


Gee,BG,sure looks like you,in your barnyard,in your spongbob pj's,,,,,,,,and your PORCIPINE

The sheep knew him. ...It was him.
Posted By: Stewart

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/28/08 12:05 AM

Question on the rear frame requirements for NSS.
I think 4 link is legal as are tubs, but last I heard the rear rails could be moved but could not be replased with tubing like is allowed in NHRA SS cars. Any thought to allowing NHRA legal SS cars as long as they have the correct tire size?
You might get a few more cars. I know I would consider running but the new car is tube in the rear, not original rails. It is NHRA SS legal.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/28/08 02:57 PM


Question on the rear frame requirements for NSS.
I think 4 link is legal as are tubs, but last I heard the rear rails could be moved but could not be replased with tubing like is allowed in NHRA SS cars. Any thought to allowing NHRA legal SS cars as long as they have the correct tire size?
You might get a few more cars. I know I would consider running but the new car is tube in the rear, not original rails. It is NHRA SS legal.

Not exactly sure of the answer to that one. But I will do some checking today.

48 hr update

90% 2 or More events
90% Brand X allowed
79% 60-74 but with 2 sets of rules for the 68-74 Class
May- June- Aug. are pretty even

38 votes

I have heard from many people that they didn't vote because they aren't "racers" But I sure for 1 think EVERYONES opinion counts. spectators fill the stands

I was watching a few you tube videos of some of the CCE races from 07-08 last night..........

The amount of ppl (lack of) in the stands is quite shocking. That is exactly where I DON"T want this to end up.

We have nothing without the racers.

But we also have nothing unless the fans come to watch
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/28/08 03:34 PM



Question on the rear frame requirements for NSS.
I think 4 link is legal as are tubs, but last I heard the rear rails could be moved but could not be replased with tubing like is allowed in NHRA SS cars. Any thought to allowing NHRA legal SS cars as long as they have the correct tire size?
You might get a few more cars. I know I would consider running but the new car is tube in the rear, not original rails. It is NHRA SS legal.

Not exactly sure of the answer to that one. But I will do some checking today.

48 hr update

90% 2 or More events
90% Brand X allowed
79% 60-74 but with 2 sets of rules for the 68-74 Class
May- June- Aug. are pretty even

38 votes

I have heard from many people that they didn't vote because they aren't "racers" But I sure for 1 think EVERYONES opinion counts. spectators fill the stands

I was watching a few you tube videos of some of the CCE races from 07-08 last night..........

The amount of ppl (lack of) in the stands is quite shocking. That is exactly where I DON"T want this to end up.

We have nothing without the racers.

But we also have nothing unless the fans come to watch

i can guarantee that Beaver Springs always brings a good amount of spectators. Nostalgia super Stock in that area is very heavy and always gets a positive response.

Attached picture 4905935-ATCOWITHHEMITIS017.jpg
Posted By: Steve1118

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/28/08 04:46 PM

Beaver always packs the house for these shows.....Beaver Bob is the master at promoting this stuff.

That is why we need to get with him, and keep it uniquely nostalgia. NHRA/IHRA stockers OK, but if we allow Super Gas/Bracket type/chassied electronics in the Modified class we will lose real quick. I has to be unique.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: 2009 CARLAN-SORGE. ***NSS / NPS Discussion & Poll*** - 12/28/08 05:15 PM


Beaver always packs the house for these shows.....Beaver Bob is the master at promoting this stuff.

I has to be unique.

#1--- Beaver Springs
#2--- Pitts.??
#3--- Columbus / Atco .??

Lets also don't forget that.:

The 7th annual Holley Hot Rod Reunion is scheduled for Father’s Day weekend, June 19-21, 2009 at Beech Bend Raceway, Bowling Green, Ky. Thanks to our sponsors: Holley Performance Products and the Bowling Green Area Convention & Visitors Bureau.

This is also the same weekend as the CCE @ Pitts.
Also the Curt George Memorial is that weekend.
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