
What's it 60 ft?

Why do you think you should change the cam?

Also, your #s just look odd to me... almost 4 mph faster in the 1/8th than me, yet only 2 mph faster in the 1/4, like you're running out of rpm or over geared.

Or, maybe it's the valvetrain. Was the valvetrain checked for proper geometry? A stock stroke 440 with 346 cfm heads and 282 @ .050 cam should be shifting higher than 6500 rpm. I think with a 31 x 14 slick and those engine specs, it would need more gear. I'd expect peak power to be more than 6500 rpm. It just needs to get there. That would explain the lower 1/4 mile mph.
That being said, it could benefit from more lift, and if the cam is being changed anyway, I'd go with a little less duration, and a higher ratio rocker.

Mike Beachel

I didn't write the rules of math nor create the laws of physics, I am just bound by them.