

If your still building the car, why not put a pair
of struts on it for MUCH cheaper

like I have pointed out to you before, CHEAPER is not better. (even if the struts would actually end up cheaper) You want people to put struts on cars without a jig, frame table or the skill set to figure out where everything should be and WHY. assuming they even know how to weld good.

This advice is why cars end up unfinished and built wrong.

Buying a proven front end like Bills for a street car ends up bunches cheaper in the long run and makes a persons car worth more on the resale. Not to mention can be raced in a lot of series where big tires and non stock front ends are not allowed.

Why do you think you have to jig struts... if you
dont know how to put them on.. fine have it done..
but I also understand not everyone wants them