
The only pro tree red lights you ever see, is when someone is guessing because they can't run the number to compete...Like I said, it would take all of the starting line competition out of it.

Yep, you need to go back to sanding on that car, all the fiberglass seems to be doing you good, you are clueless

As Eric said, any good .90 racer sets his car up to go red, then slows it down. Exactly the same way you go at the stripe...

I like your strategy Eric, will certainly try it!
I set up for 9.89x on Saturday, ran 5 in a row last time out. Then big weather change for sunday and needed every bit of it to run a .90.


Do you really think if someone cuts an .017 lite and the guy in the other lane cuts an .030 lite there is really any racing going on at the top end of the track?

Yes I do, absolutely.
Either your kidding or way better driver then me... I've gotten much better but most people can't see .030 at the stripe let alone .01x
Then enter the baggers we have around here and throw another wrinkle into it...
Go make some laps in S/G and let us know what you think them