

The problem with the pro-tree thing is that it makes any yahoo with a car competitive. Anyone can leave off the flash...

People watching may like it, heck people who can't drive would even like it, but for those of us who do it for the competition would find it boring.

That's what always killed me when they tried the pro-tree thing in NSS years ago. It took the advantage away from the guys that could drive the starting line.

Might as well run one car at a time to take the finish line driving out of it too...

Your joking...right. There is nothing EASY about .4 pro tree racing. Most yahoos, as you call them will be a day late. Have you ever actually raced on a pro tree. If you have and were that good, somebody will give you a car to drive. The 5.0 6.0 and 7.0 classes around here are deadly. If you are not .00s or teens and dead on, you are dead meat.


isn't that the truth