You need to get some bets going in the stands, thats what brings in the people. At a couple local tracks we have guys that bet on every pass.Passes the time and is very enjoyable to watch some of these guys deal, they hoop and holler every time you come back down the return road, some times good sometimes bad. Bring in the gamblers and the sport will live. Its funny to see a guy with a fist full of cash stompin his feet after you make a pass for winning or loosing. I made it to the finals one time and lost and one of these guys came to me and said thanks for making him some money that night, he said I did a great job and that the car was bad azz. Made me feel welcome....Everyone bets on somthing.We bet just to run our cars, betting we are going to go rounds. The could call it "On Track Betting"....Phill