
No prop valve ... here's how I see it ...

You apply the brakes, the rear cylinders fill and subsequently the m/c won't travel any further. Meanwhile the fronts haven't got enough fluid in them to do squat.

I'd be willing to bet that's exactly what's going on. With no proportioning valve, front/rear pressure is equal, but the discs require much higher pressures to operate correctly.

He's probably getting some brake action, but not enough to do squat.

To figure exactly what's going on, I'd need to actually crunch some numbers. I'd need cylinder diameters, caliper piston sizes, master cylinder size.... the numbers wouldn't lie.

He could also have a grossly undersized master. I must've missed the part where he said he had an aftermarket master.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....